Browsing: Hajj

حج کے رکن اعظم وقوف عرفہ کے موقع پرمیدان عرفات میں روح پرور خطبہ حج دیتے ہوئے شیخ عبداللہ بن…

I’m starting our 3rd quiz on Hajj. This quiz will give you an opportunity to update your knowledge about Hajj and will also be an interesting competition among the members. In this quiz we’re asking 12 question and you have 6 minutes to choose the right answers. Every member can take part, but remember, it’s a one time quiz. You won’t be able to retake it after submitting. Time to test your knowledge about Hajj Pilgrimage.

Saudi govt decides to broadcast Hajj sermon in 10 different languages ​​including Urdu. This year the Hajj Sermon will be broadcast in Urdu, English, Persian, Bengali, Turkish, French, Chinese, Russian, Hausa, and Malay, told Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdulaziz Al Sudais.